I have enjoyed nature and it's beauty for as long as I can remember. Photographing it to share is a new hobby. I still have much to learn. Any helpful hints and constructive criticism is always welcome.

I will try to post new items weekly so check back. It is my pleasure to share nature's gifts with you. I find myself amazed at some of the beauty I find while out for a walk.

Feel free to use any postings for personal use. Uses for monetary gains are strictly prohibited.


"Just living is not enough." said the butterfly. "One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."

- Hans Christian Anderson

I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.

-John Burroughs

Monday, September 13, 2010


Whenever another hummie would get too close to his food supply, he would spread his wings and tail out in a warning and start chattering at the approaching bird.  If that was not enough to scare him or her off, he would chase after them.  He had up to four other birds at one time to chase away.

Occasionally, he would let another female land near him and sometimes have a drink of nectar.

I liked this photo as it shows a few of his "ruby" feathers starting to come in. The one almost looks like a little heart. I had one adult male come near the feeder, but he chased him off before I could get a photo of his beautiful colors.
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